CPU instructions (continued)
- all instructions are 4 bytes long
- op code is always in leftmost 6 bits
- rest of instruction is interpreted based on the first (leftmost) 6 bits
to convert instruction to binary:
- use textbook appendix to look up instruction format - will be given on exams
I-type instrs. cont.
For the immediate values in I-type instructions, need to use 2's complement to specify negative immediate values. This means that the range for immediate values is
Therefore, you cannot fully load large values into the register - there are "load upper immediate" instructions that we use to fill the upper half of the register (this is NOT covered in this course)
J-type (jump) instructions
Example J-type instruction:
j label
J-type instruction structure:
opcode| target address
We are told that for jump instructions, the opcode is 2.
Addressing modes
26 bits is insufficient to address the entire range of RAM (we assume RAM is addressible using 32 bits), so we need to use tricks ("addressing modes")
Four different addressing modes we will cover:
- Base addressing
- Just use offset from a register, like when loading or storing
- Example:
lhu $s0, 4($s5)
-> address is s5 + 4 - Limitation: there is a limitation on how large the immediate value can be, as discussed above for I-type instructions
- Typically we don't encounter this issue, the imm. values just take advantage of already having the base address stored in a register -
2^{15} is around 32 to 33 KB in either direction so we are not super likely to run into issues, and if we do, the compiler will just take care of it
- Typically we don't encounter this issue, the imm. values just take advantage of already having the base address stored in a register -
- PC-relative (program-counter-relative) addressing
- Use an offset from the program counter
- Example:
beq $t0, $t1, L1
-> address is PC + L1\times 4 - Limitation: needs to be an address reasonably close to the program counter for this to work
- Typically this limitation is addressed by the compiler, won't go over it in our course
- PC-relative addressing uses the 16-bit immediate value for I-type instructions
- We are able to slice off the last 2 bits (on the right side) because the instructions are always a multiple of 4 (provided the alignment for instructions is done correctly), saving us 2 bits
- Pseudodirect addressing
- Like pc-relative addressing - we cut out the last 2 bits because the instructions are always a multiple of 4, and then cut off the first 4 bits so that the address fits into the 26-bit space we are given
- Limitation: The 4 bits at the start are just taken from the PC so we can't jump super far.
- Compiler probably addresses this issue too
- Register addressing
- Literally just set PC to the register contents
- Example:
jr $ra
-> set PC to contents of$ra
- Limitations: none.
- Typically used when returning from function call after calling
on the level above
Example with most of the addressing modes (just without register addressing, will see that later)
Convert the following mips code to binary, and put it at address 0x00400068
, using big-endian bit direction.
bne $t1, $zero, Label2
lw $t7, -2($s0)
add $t7, $t7, $zero
j Label1
- We note that the jump must be to address
because Label1 is at the start of the code - Note that the PC keeps the address of the NEXT instruction, so to compute the distance when labeling we use the next instruction as a starting point (for e.g. the BEQ instruction)
- For the BEQ instruction, we will jump 3 instructions ahead. When we are the BEQ instruction, our PC points to the LW instruction, so jumping ahead means adding 3 to the PC.
- For the LW instruction, we need to put -2 in the immediate value. This is -1 + -1, so we just need to remove 1 from the all-ones 16-digit binary number
1111 1111 1111 1111
, which gives us1111 1111 1111 1110
for the immediate value.
The instructions are translated as follows:
bne $t1, $zero, Label2
000101 01001 00000 0000000000000011
- opcode is 5
lw $t7, -2($s0)
100011 10000 01111 1111111111111110
- opcode is 0x23 or 35. imm value is discussed above
add $t7, $t7, $zero
000000 01111 00000 01111 00000 100000
- opcode is 0, function is 0x20
j Label1
000010 00000100000000000000011010
- opcode is 2, address is just
but missing the first (leftmost) 4 bits and without the last (rightmost) 2 bits due to the addressing mode